Forrards Blog

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Buffer Pool Extension in SQL Server 2014 part 2: benchmark testing

Let's take a closer look at how we can speed up the system's performance using the Buffer Pool Extension. For testing I will use a virtual machine with 4 GB RAM. I created a separate database with one table. The table has 2 columns [id] and [n]. The first column contains integer data type. This column is the primary key with a clustered index on it. The second column simply presents any data in the system.

March 18, 2023
Rework of a BI solution for a Business Cloud provider

The case describes how Forrards helped a leading business cloud vendor who provides hosted mail, file sharing, VOIP solutions to improve business intelligence and put into order the abandoned ETL which was not properly documented and supported, and that jeopardized overall performance of the business.

March 18, 2023
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How to close all active database connections in one shot?

While trying to restore SQL Server database or do any other actions which require exclusive database access you may face with the following error:Exclusive access could not be obtained because the database is in use.

March 31, 2023
Consequences of wrong database autogrowth settings

In this article we`re going to address the question about autogrowth settings of the database. To be more precise we`re going to talk about database files settings and their autogrowth settings. From the first glance this seems to be an easy question. But in reality it may cause serious issues in mission critical data systems and even downtime. The goal of the article is to decide whether to set the growth in percents or megabytes and what should be the size of the file growth.

March 31, 2023

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