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Database consultancy: SaaS database considerations

Utilizing given approach each client get his own database. In such case every client`s data stays isolated from others. It simplifies backing up the data, installing new clients but causes higher cost of maintenance.

March 31, 2023
Database consultancy: tree-like structure

Subject recursion is well covered in the literature, but, nevertheless, the problem of output “tree” does not mean the client and SQL Server many baffled. So, put the problem: there is a table with the name and record id field indicating the parent identifier. Immediately fill in this table, some sort of test data:

March 31, 2023
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How to close all active database connections in one shot?

While trying to restore SQL Server database or do any other actions which require exclusive database access you may face with the following error:Exclusive access could not be obtained because the database is in use.

March 31, 2023
Consequences of wrong database autogrowth settings

In this article we`re going to address the question about autogrowth settings of the database. To be more precise we`re going to talk about database files settings and their autogrowth settings. From the first glance this seems to be an easy question. But in reality it may cause serious issues in mission critical data systems and even downtime. The goal of the article is to decide whether to set the growth in percents or megabytes and what should be the size of the file growth.

March 31, 2023

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