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How to convert to Base64 and backwards via T-SQL

I want to share my way to convert a string to Base64 and back. Let me note that presented method is not the fastest, but it has one important advantage - it works OOB, without CLR functions. We need a test database and a table to use as an example:

March 18, 2023
Performance and using of VARCHAR boxes as filters in SSRS reports

Very few people have thought about this performance killer. It is all about report parameter of text type.The initial situationThere was a table with about 45 million rows. Some columns in the table were VARCHAR and should have been filtered. As a result of filtering by 10 different parameters the total number of rows could have been significantly reduced. SQL Server was going for table scan in this case. Also there was a number of indexes defined on the table.

March 18, 2023
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SQL Server Storage best practices

Server storage is one of the most important things for SQL Server performance. Chances to utilize a lot of RAM and powerful CPUs when storage system is slow are extremely small.

March 31, 2023
Paging in SQL Server 2012

Paging is one of the most highly required features during application development process. Microsoft has introduced various features since the times of SQL Server 2000 to the latest version of SQL Server 2014. In SQL Server 2012 a new feature was added to the ORDER BY clause. It allows to write more efficient query since the query optimization standpoint and makes work easier for anyone who writes in T-SQL and needs data paging implemented.

March 31, 2023

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